Civilogistix provided professional engineering design and construction administration services for the Benning Drive Car Wash project located in Columbus, Georgia. The project scope consisted of demolition, site, grading, utility, 3 phase erosion control and hydrology plans. The development consists of one express carwash facility, canopied vacuum stations, a water reclaim system, sanitary sewer relocation, detention ponds, drive aisles and parking.

We worked closely with The City of Columbus Department of Engineering as well as Columbus Water Works to expedite the permitting process and coordinate relocation of utilities and easements as needed.
Due to the limited space available on site, providing adequate storage volume for stormwater detention was a concern. The shallow depth of the existing stormwater network the site discharges to limited how deep the detention facilities could be while still providing enough fall to drain into the existing storm network. To provide sufficient detention volume, we implemented an innovative multi pool pond design which utilized small unoccupied portions of the site for the placement of two shallow depth ponds. The two ponds were connected underground with pipe, which allowed both ponds to discharge through a single outlet control structure. This unique design reduced construction cost and maximized the available space on the site without sacrificing developable area. The design allows the project to fully treat stormwater on site before discharging into the existing storm pipe network adjacent to the site.
Additionally, field concerns were encountered during construction after an unmarked fiber optic communication line serving Fort Benning was discovered to run through a portion of the site where existing sanitary sewer lines were to be relocated. Civilogistix coordinated with Columbus Water Works to quickly develop a viable solution that did not interfere with the communication lines and allowed construction to continue without any significant delay.