Civilogistix worked with Lipscomb, Johnson, Sleister, Dailey & Smith, LLP to assist in the rezoning for Campbell Family Medicine to convert an existing residential structure to a medical office building located in Forsyth County. The parcel was originally zoned R2R: Single Family Residential and the proposed zoning was OR: Office Residential. Civilogistix worked closely with the client and attorney to provide a site plan along with the required calculations to present to the Board of Commissioners. Several variances were also obtained to preserve as much of the existing site and landscaping as possible. The request was approved and Civilogistix began working on the civil engineering plans to obtain a land disturbance permit to begin the renovations. Once a permit was issued, Civilogistix met with the contractor and county inspectors for a pre-construction meeting. The renovations were completed, and a certificate of occupancy was issued for Campbell Family Medicine’s new location.